Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen der Bitcoin Uni

Bitcoin Uni - Vanity Address Service

David Witten

Emsdettener Str. 10

48268 Greven

+49 171 5186152

Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer (USt-IdNr.):


Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen der Bitcoin Uni

§1 Validity towards entrepreneurs or consumers and definitions of terms

(1) The following General Terms and Conditions apply to all deliveries between us and a consumer or entrepreneur in the version valid at the time of the order.

A consumer is any natural person who enters into a legal transaction for purposes that are predominantly neither commercial nor their independent professional activity (§ 13 BGB).

According to this, an entrepreneur is any natural or legal person or partnership with legal capacity who, when concluding a legal transaction, acts in the exercise of their commercial or independent professional activity.

§2 Conclusion of a contract, storage of the contract text

(1) The following regulations concerning the conclusion of the contract apply to orders via our internet store .

(2) In the event of the conclusion of the contract, the contract is concluded with

(3) The presentation of the services does not represent a legally binding contractual offer on our part, but is only a non-binding invitation to the consumer to order services. With the order of the desired commodity the consumer delivers an offer binding for him on conclusion of a sales contract.

(4) Upon receipt of an order in our internet store, the following regulations apply: The consumer submits a binding offer to conclude a contract by successfully completing the ordering procedure provided in our Internet store.

The order is placed in the following steps:
1) Selection of the desired Bitcoin address
2) Confirm the selection by clicking the "Order" buttons
3) Upon payment, the calculation of the address will be started.
4) As soon as the desired Bitcoin address is found the order will be sent by email!

Prior to the binding dispatch of the order, the consumer can return to the Internet site where the customer's details are recorded and input errors are corrected or the ordering process is aborted by closing the Internet browser by pressing the "Back" button contained in the Internet browser used by the consumer after checking his details. We will immediately confirm receipt of the order by means of an automatically generated e-mail ("order confirmation"). With this we accept your offer.

(5) Storage of the contract text for orders placed via our Internet store : We will send you the order data and our General Terms and Conditions by e-mail. You can also view the AGB at any time at Your order data are for security reasons no longer accessible via the Internet.

§2.5 Subject of the contract

What is a wallet? A wallet is an app and works like a digital wallet. The customer uses it to manage BTC on his smartphone.

Using a secure wallet. Bitcoin Uni has no influence on the selection of the customer's wallet. Bitcoin Uni recommends the Customer to use a Wallet with up-to-date encryption.

Securing own BTC. Bitcoin Uni recommends the Customer not to rely on the use of a single wallet software but to regularly make backup copies of the BTC on different storage locations and to encrypt these, especially in the case of backup copies stored online.

§3 Prices, Shipping Costs, Payment, Due Date

(1) The prices quoted do not include statutory value added tax or other price components.

(2) The consumer has the possibility of payment via PayPal, Bitcoin and Litecoin.

§4 Delivery
(1) Unless we have clearly stated otherwise in the product description, all items offered by us are ready for immediate shipment. The delivery takes place here at the latest within 7 working days. Except in case of impossibility or other legally valid circumstances. In this case, the period for delivery in case of payment in advance begins on the day after the payment order to the bank instructed with the transfer and for all other payment methods on the day after the conclusion of the contract. If the end of the period falls on a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday at the place of delivery, the period shall end on the next working day.

(2) The risk of accidental loss and accidental deterioration of the goods sold shall not pass to the Buyer until the goods are handed over to the Buyer, even in the case of mail order purchases.

§5 Reservation of title
We reserve the right of ownership of the goods until the purchase price has been paid in full.

There is no right of revocation for Vanity addresses, since the customer* cannot return the goods, since they are also no longer of value or use, the exclusion regulation according to § 312g paragraph 2 BGB applies.

If your order has not yet been fully invoiced, you can cancel the order, whereby a fee may be charged for the duration of the invoicing.

§5.5 Intellectual Property
Our services, rights, claims, or the like are protected by copyright and commercial or corporate law where Bitcoin Uni benefits. Otherwise, the applicable law applies, if possible German law. Except as explicitly and individually permitted, Bitcoin Uni reserves all exclusive rights, titles, interests and the like. This includes all copyrights, international or national property rights and all associated rights.

No one may remove, alter, obscure or distribute any of these rights. In particular, copyright, trademark, service mark, or any other copyright, proprietary or intellectual property rights. This includes any right attributed or conferred by Bitcoin Uni to technical, written, owned or created content.

Our Services are protected by copyright, trademark, and other laws of the United States and foreign countries. Except as expressly provided in these Terms, we (or our licensors) exclusively own all right, title and interest in and to the Service, including all associated intellectual property rights. You may not remove, alter or obscure any copyright, trademark, service mark or other proprietary rights notices incorporated in or accompanying the Services, including in any Content.

§6 - Disclaimer of Liability

Gross negligence

Liability of Bitcoin Uni is excluded unless the damage incurred was caused intentionally or through gross negligence by Bitcoin Uni or a third party attributable to it.

No liability for data loss

Liability for loss of data that Bitcoin Uni could not have prevented is excluded. This includes damages caused by unforeseeable events, in particular network disturbances, computer failures or criminal activities by third parties.

Liability limit

The liability of Bitcoin Uni is limited to the amount of the individual contract value, i.e. to the purchase price in Euro agreed in each case in the context of a purchase contract.

No liability for loss of profit

Bitcoin Uni does not warrant that the services offered through the Website will meet the requirements of the customers, be uninterrupted, timely, secure or error-free. In particular, Bitcoin Uni assumes no liability in the event of technical malfunctions of the website and it was therefore not possible for the Customer to purchase the vanity address from Bitcoin Uni at the desired purchase price. Liability for loss of profit is excluded.

No liability for third parties

By entering into any legal transaction with Bitcoin Uni or using this website or any related services, the contracting party agrees to waive all rights against or possible responsibilities of Bitcoin Uni that may arise from the use of devices or similar other, or "Third-Party Applications" against Bitcoin Uni.

By using the Site, you expressly relieve and release Bitcoin Uni from any and all liability arising from your use of any Third-party Applications.

§7 - No right of withdrawal

No right of withdrawal. Bitcoin is subject to general price fluctuations and its later value after conclusion of the purchase contract may differ substantially from the purchase price paid. Bitcoin Uni has no influence whatsoever on these price fluctuations. For this reason, there is no possibility under the provisions of the FAGG to withdraw from the purchase contract for the Bitcoins sold (no right of withdrawal).

§8 Taxes / Taxes
It is not the responsibility of Bitcoin Uni to determine what, or if any, taxes are payable on any services or similar Bitcoin Uni products purchased by the contracting party (consumer or business) under this Agreement. It is the responsibility of the contracting party not to determine with Bitcoin Uni whether taxes on the Wallet or transactions, credits, air drops or speculative items stored there fall due.

It is your responsibility to determine what, if any, taxes apply due to your use of Bitcoin Uni Services, and it is your responsibility to report and remit the correct tax to the appropriate tax authority. is not responsible for determining whether taxes apply to your Virtual Currency transactions or for collecting, reporting, withholding or remitting any taxes arising from any virtual currency transactions.

§9 Relationship of the Parties / Relationship of the Parties

Nothing in this Agreement or in the entire Agreement is intended to initiate, create or support any partnership, joint venture, agency, consulting firm or similar entity. For the purposes of this Agreement, Bitcoin Uni and the contracting party are independent contractors entering into a contract as defined in these Terms and Conditions.

Nothing in this User Agreement is intended to, nor shall create any partnership, joint venture, agency, consultancy or trusteeship. You and Bitcoin Uni are independent contractors for purposes of this User Agreement.

§10 Agreement / Entire Agreement

All prior agreements, whether written or oral, are discarded by acceptance of these Terms and Conditions and the Terms and Conditions shall supersede them unless they are to the detriment of Bitcoin Uni.

This User Agreement constitutes the entire agreement among the Parties with respect to the subject matter described herein and shall supersede all prior agreements and understandings, written or oral, among the Parties. Subsequent discussions or negotiations between you or Bitcoin Uni personnel shall only amend or become part of this User Agreement by way of a written amendment specifically referencing the last updated date and name of this User Agreement.

§11 - Miscellaneous

All declarations shall be sent in writing by letter to the above address of Uni Bitcoin.

Applicable Law. The purchase contract concluded between Bitcoin Uni and the Customer shall be governed by German law to the exclusion of the referral norms of German international private law, provided this is legally advantageous for Bitcoin Uni. The application of the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods is excluded by mutual agreement under the same conditions.

Place of jurisdiction. For disputes arising from or in connection with the contractual relationship, the court in Germany, Lower Saxony, which is competent in commercial matters, shall have jurisdiction. Or the respective competent German court.

(2) For entrepreneurs and consumers the following applies: If individual provisions of the GTC are invalid or not effective, the validity of the remaining provisions shall not be affected. The invalid or ineffective provision shall be replaced by a provision which comes as close as possible to the original intention of the parties to the contract.

(3) If the statutory provisions favour or favour Bitcoin Uni, the law shall apply instead of these GTC.

(4) Bitcoin Uni reserves the right to amend these GTC without losing their effectiveness at any time.

(5) Should individual provisions of this contract be invalid or unenforceable or become invalid or unenforceable after conclusion of the contract, the validity of the contract as a whole shall remain unaffected. The invalid or unenforceable provision shall be replaced by a valid and enforceable provision whose effects come as close as possible to the economic objective which the parties to the contract had pursued with the invalid or unenforceable provision. The above provisions shall apply accordingly in the event that the contract proves to be incomplete.

The law (German law) shall apply to ineffective parts of the GTC. Wherever possible, they shall always be interpreted to the advantage of Bitcoin Uni.

(6) German law and German jurisdiction form the basis of this contract. By law within the meaning of the AGB German law is generally meant.

In the event of invalidity of these GTC German law shall apply.